William C. Bell, Casey Family Programs’ President and CEO, participates regularly in events across the nation to build awareness of the needs of youth in foster care and 2020: Building Communities of Hope, a nationwide effort to inspire, influence and inform long-lasting improvements to child welfare.

Dr. Bell accepts A.K. Guy Award

Dr. Bell accepts A.K. Guy Award: ‘The greatest impact in your life will be found in what you do for others’

Dr. William C. Bell testifies on importance of fathers, Family First

Casey Family Programs President and CEO Dr. William C. Bell spoke at a House committee hearing about the critical role that fathers play in the lives of their children, and the opportunities to support fathers under the Family First Prevention Services Act.

Celebrating the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.

In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Dr. William C. Bell addresses the community of Tacoma, Washington, urging listeners to have a bold, “mountaintop” vision like Dr. King.

Youth violence prevention

William C. Bell delivers speech at the U.S. Department of Justice National Summit on Youth Violence Prevention, May 12, 2015, in Arlington, Virginia.

‘Open Arms’ assists women in need

Nurturing potential from early in life is the theme of President and CEO William C. Bell’s keynote address at a fundraiser for Open Arms Perinatal Services.